About us

From the beginning we wanted to produce the best candles possible, that is why we spared no expense and we cut no corners in order to achieve that.

We chose beeswax because it is the best possible material for making candles, and we wanted to make 100% pure beeswax candles, however, beeswax is also the most difficult material to work with, by its nature it is a sticky material that poses many challenges in the production process. When the bees produce it, the beeswax is white and clear as glass, its color and smell is given by the pollen and propolis that the bees have contaminated it with. However, these contaminants are usually to blame for a candle that does not burn properly, the wick gets clogged with particles and the flame extinguishes itself. Many of us have bought beeswax candles from county fares only to be disappointed by their burning, the beekeeper made some candles with the leftover beeswax, unaware that proper filtration is necessary.

Proper pollen filtration is a very difficult process due to the microscopic nature of the pollen, although pollen particles can be as large as 10 micron, most of the pollen fragments and particles that clog a candle’s wick are between 1-5 micron. For reference imagine that the thickness of a human hair is between 50-70 micron, a white blood cell is 25 micron and a red blood cell is 8 micron.

Almost all of the filtered beeswax available for purchase is industrially processed and pelletized but in order to keep the pellets from sticking to each other and form a big blob of beeswax, the manufacturers give them a light spray of paraffin wax. This indeed keeps the pellets apart and makes the beeswax easy to dose but it also contaminates it with paraffin which is just petroleum waste and we find that totally unacceptable.Pelletized industrially processed beeswax

The vast majority of beeswax candles on the market use industrially processed beeswax and they call themselves 100% beeswax, even though the actual pellets they use contain paraffin. That is because the industrial producers are using a legal loophole that allows them to claim that the paraffin spraying is part of the production and packaging process and it is not an ingredient, as a consequence they can label their paraffin coated beeswax pellets as 100% beeswax, even if they are not.

Many beeswax candle manufacturers may not be aware of this practice and unwillingly misleading their customers by labeling their candles as 100% beeswax.

We decided early on in the process of developing our candles that we are NOT going to use industrially processed beeswax.

In order to avoid all that and produce a GENUINE 100% pure beeswax candle, we decided to go straight to the source, the beekeeper.

We get our beeswax straight from the beekeeper, and we filter it ourselves.

Before it becomes a candle, from the moment the bees produce it, all our beeswax goes through an 8 stage filtration process, all of them carefully controlled and monitored in order to produce the cleanest possible beeswax without harming it and diminishing any of its beautiful properties.

The first filtration stage happens at the beekeepers, who separate the honey from the beeswax and also give it very light filtering, taking care of any large debris. They let it cool and store it in big blocks of approximately 10kg.

Block of beeswax

We receive those 10kg blocks, and we start our own filtration process, we melt the beeswax down, to a precisely monitored temperature, and then it goes through the 4 stages prefiltration process. The first stage of the prefiltration is coarse filtering, making sure that none of the big size debris that the beekeeper might have missed goes any further. The next 3 stages ensure that 99.99% of all particles larger than 10 microns have been filtered. We then let it cool for 24 hours in more manageable blocks of approximately 1kg.

The next day we melt it again for the final 3 stages of filtration that ensure that 99.99% of particles over 1 micron have been eliminated. We have now obtained the cleanest possible beeswax, and we let it cool again for 24 hours.

Small blocks of filtered beeswax

The next day we melt it again, for the last time, in order to make our candles. We use the highest quality wick from the largest European producer, a wick that we carefully selected after extensive burn tests. Ensuring that our candles burn properly and with minimal need for intervention from the user.

All our packaging is recyclable in its entirety and our packaging paper, which we carefully selected, so that it does not stick to the beeswax and also protects it, is produced from carefully managed European forests that have a net growth.

It took us 10 years of research and development to make these candles as they are today. All the filtration process described above, the careful calibration of candle thickness and type of wick, the packaging, all took time and money, we did not cut any corners and we spared no expense, and in the end, combining this beautiful natural and organic material with 21st-century technology we produced the 100% pure beeswax candle.

Beeswax candles

Try one today!

It will probably be the best candle you ever burned.